3D Desktop 2009
System requirements:
Pentium-300 or better, 128Mb RAM or higher, video card with High Color (16bit) or True Color (24bit, 32bit) mode, Windows9x/ME, Windows NT4/2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista.
Basic possibilities and features:
* Use in place of icons of any number of interactive ob'ektov of arbitrary forms and sizes.
* The free moving and imposition of objects is on each other within the limits of the working field
* Start of the programs and commands by one mouse click.
* Possibility of opening of интернет-страниц from the desktop of Talisman or buildings of these pages straight in Talisman.
* Possibility of creation of great number of additional desktops and forms for placing of the buttons and pictures, and also rapid transition between these forms.
* Possibility of creation of great number independent tem (interfaces) and rapid switching between them.
* Built-in editor of interface, providing editing, creation and delete of any elements.
* Large number of basic ob'ektov (forms, texts, pictures, fields of input, buttons of different types, menu, timer, clock of analogs and digital, calendars, lists and other ob'ekty.)
* Support of XP-icons of any sizes is ot 16x16 to 128х128 pixels.
* HTML and Flash-обьекты. Through similar ob'ekty Flash of animation is inserted in the working field, JAVA scripts and games, VRML-worlds and other great deal.
* Sound accompaniment of all actions.
* Possibility of work as shell. Talisman has own adjusted taskbar, system tray, clock.
* Possibility of the use of component kommand, scripts.
* Creation of any amount of Hot Buttons (HotKeys).
* Connecting of additional plaginov.
* Any methods of management: mouse, keyboard, DU stands, tochskrin.
* Functions of protecting from any changes of interface. Parolirovanie of access to the necessary elements of interface.
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